MINI-ME 2021 – Best analog chorus PCB


Best Analog Chorus PCB available. The MINI-ME Chorus circuit is based on the warm analog sound of the vintage 70’s chorus pedals.

Only 1 left in stock


Best Analog Chorus PCB available. The MINI-ME Chorus circuit is based on the warm analog sound of the vintage 70’s chorus pedals. Superior Design: The circuit is isolated into two parts, each separately grounded for noise free operation in comparison to similar offerings.

The newly updated Mini-Me chorus 2021 version will accept either the MN3007 or 3207 chip.

Why the Best?

  • Specially designed for low noise operation including two separate grounds for low noise in higher gain environments.
  • No Loss of Signal when engaged.
  • The smoothest, warm lush chorus your demanding tone needs!
  • This circuit can also be used for Bass with no modification!

When shopping for the rarer MN3007 chips search for a reliable seller with excellent feedback and return policy or try (Small Bear)

Mini-Me 2021 Build Document

Attention: You must use the 2021 Build Document with the 2021 Board.

Older version build documents may be obtained at the Guides Page.

Mini-Me Video Demo

Phase: Inverted

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