Big Muff Pi – MUFF’N v4 2022 10 variants – 7 Mods


Build any of (10) Big Muff Pi variants with the option to include (7) of the most popular Mods using our unique Jumper system with the best DIY Muff PCB available.

In stock


New v4 contains a 1N5817 circuit protection diode instead of 1N4001. Everything else is the same.

Why is the MUFF’N the best DIY PCB available? Build any of 10 Stock Muff variants with the option to include 7 of the most popular Mods using our unique Jumper System right on board. When you are done easily insert our Tone TwEQ 3 Band Active EQ as well bypassing the traditional BMP Passive Tonestack for the most versatile Big Muff Pi project ever!

Build any of these following 10 classic Big Muff Pi variants or create your own.

  • Rams Head
  • Violet Ram
  • Triangle
  • 3rd Edition
  • Creamy Dreamer
  • Foxy Lady
  • Green Russian
  • Black Russian
  • Civil War
  • Mayo


Choose from  7 popular Mods using our convenient Jumper System designed into each board.

  1. High Pass
  2. Low Pass Filter
  3. Mid Scoop Control
  4. Muff Bender
  5. Switchable BMP Tone Control Bypass
  6. Switchable Silicon (stock), Opamp or LED clipping
  7. Insert our Tone TwEQ 3 Band active EQ bypassing the BMP Tone control

BMP MUFF’n v4 2022 Build Document

Phase: Non-inverting

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