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  • #31951
    Sammy D

    As I’m only waiting on a handful of components, I’m getting ready to start on my Voodoo Redux build and I notice that the demo doesn’t have an led status for the fuzz and the tayda drill template doesn’t have a hole there but there is a place on the board to populate an led for the fuzz. I also noticed on a member build that they had an led status for the fuzz. Is there a pros/cons sorta thing that’s beyond my ken or what am I missing?




    I’m having trouble following.

    I quickly visited the Tayda drill link via the SHOP page for the Voodoo to inspect for any potential errors, but there is a drill hole above the foot switch for the fuzz as there should be.

    Here’s the link from the SHOP page where you can purchase the Voodoo board:

    This screenshot depicts the drill template directly sourced from the Tayda website using the link provided on the Shop page. The only way to alter this is if the User opts to edit it out using the Red X Boxes.

    User Editor for the drill template image is shown below. Please note: A Red X will toggle the activation or deactivation of a drill hole.


    As far as my video demo the Fuzz LED may not have been activated but as you can see from the Video thumbnail the Fuzz has an LED.


    Lastly, upon examining the drill template in the build document, you’ll notice the presence of a Fuzz status LED.

    Sammy D

    Ok…so I’ll admit to having the occasional cocktail while doin the thing so….yeah…

    Apologies as both seeing and counting to three seem to be beyond me ????‍♂️


    Forget about it.

    But don’t overlook the suggestion to take off the plastic backs from the (3-in-a-row) pots for the Vibe section.

    Use some non-conductive material to prevent the backs of the pots from touching the solder side. This will make it easier to fit the pots into the drill holes of the enclosure. Remember, it’s not the sides of the pots that need protection, only the backs.

    Small pedal bumpers would suffice, or alternatively, consider using some 3M cushioned stickies, etc.

    Sammy D

    Thanks for the tips. For sure taking my time as I’m really looking forward to having this on my personal pedalboard


    The most common mistake I make is failing to ensure that every single nut and washer is removed from all pots, 3PDTs, and switches. Or forgetting to remove all of the metal tabs from the pots. There’s nothing more frustrating than getting everything set up and then discovering that a nut or tab is preventing the board from being tightened down properly.

    I also utilize a Hobby Tool to maneuver things around in tight spots, and I loosely fit the LEDs, only bending the very ends of the leads to prevent them from slipping through. I solder the LEDs in place after everything is correctly fitted.

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