I think my build went well. However the red LED’s do not light up or the status light near the pedal switch. The only thing I can think of is the Capacitor C9 is reversed in the the trouble shooting picture. I am also missing R19. It was not included in the parts though so I am confused.
R19 is a current limiting resistor for the status light. Since you are using the foot switch PCB you do not need R19 populated on the main PCB. That being said, you will need to populate the ‘CLR’ location on the foot switch PCB (see attached photo).
Wow, thank you! I am also a little unclear on what to populate the CLR with. Is it a resistor? If yes, what is the value of the resistor please? Thanks a lot!
Thank you for your help! It’s alive!!! There’s something very satisfying about jamming with a pedal you made. I could not have done it without you guys. Thanks much!