Home GuitarPCB Forum General DIY Pedal Discussion Funny Thing Happened On The Way To NostalgiTone D.S.O.T.M.

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    Got that new big beautiful black board and started populating it – slowly noticing that in the order of things on that board the phase comes first. As my board has expanded over the years my phasers have been moved to my effects loop shelf (along with delay, reverb and chorus pedals) a step up from the drive and dirt pedals. I also have adopted a separate small board for fuzz pedals that don’t work well with buffers. Noticing the “phase first” thing on the D.S.O.T.M. board got a little buzz going in my head that eventually led me to take a look at my board. I’ve had a modified version of the older D.S.O.T.M. on the fuzz board for a long time but pulled the near stock one off the shelf to play with and added a Dr. Phybes in front of that. That worked very well but not much different from what I usually have. Then I replaced the Phybes with a 3 knob phaser that has a little similarity to the one on the NostalgiTone board but was a difficult build – a lot of the build document was less than accurate and I was tempted to label two of the knobs Something and Whatever because they didn’t seem to do much when it was up on the buffered effects loop shelf, still had a nice but very subtle effect, but no sky rockets. When I put it on the fuzz board in front of the stock D.S.O.T.M. it turned into something magical! Also by tweaking the knobs on the stock D.S.O.T.M. I realized that most of the work I did modifying the other with a Germanium transistor was a waste.

    The remaining parts I need for the NostalgiTone D.S.O.T.M. should be in next week and I’m getting real excited. In the mean time the Something/Whatever phase stays on the fuzz board in front of the old D.S.O.T.M. maybe permanently.




    I’ve dedicated considerable thought to these NostalgiTone ventures, often focusing on elements I felt would be overlooked. It is nice to hear some appreciation for those efforts.

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