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  • #31204

    Dear all, for some reason my account was deleted and I am having to start a new one.

    i am building a Clapton Boost for inside a guitar. The pcb has both pots for volume 50k and boost 250k. I want to have a fixed full volume and am not sure how to achieve this. I have been told that I should just jumper 2 and 3 on the pcb and I have also been told I should put a 50k resistor across 2 and 3? Can anyone advise which is correct. Schematic is bellow.



    Hey Matt. Welcome back. Resistance blocks some signal, whereas a jumper will let it all through like it wasn’t even there. 2 to 3 is correct.



    Nobody deleted your account. My guess is you set your account up during our site crash and I had to restore the entire site from a backup copy  which was 3 weeks previous to that. No fun for anyone.


    You could also use a 50K trimmer bending the legs to fit the volume pot solder pads then set it to the output level you want ala set and forget

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